Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Seif Laisi, is a father of four who supports his family of six including his wife Esha Issa by farming and chicken keeping.

“The chickens are our great saviors. We manage to solve so many family problems simply by selling a cock or two.” Says Seif who lives in Lengo Village, in Newala, Mtwara.

Seif is very happy with his life standard and of his wife Eshe whom they have been married for twenty years now. The four children are Mwanaidi Seif, 17, Safila Seif,11, Hawa  Seif, 8 and 2pac Seif, 5 years old.

“My wife is my happiness. We have never been fighting since we got married. She listens to me and me to her.”

Despite of all Laisi is happy with in his life, the family and wife, there is one thing that troubles him and swears not to forget in his life.

“My daughter, Mwanaidi, 17, missed her chance to join Lengo Secondary School due to being pregnant. She was my only hope so far that, she would be the first in our family to go up to a secondary level and may be higher.” He says.

Mwanaidi set for standard seven examinations at Lengo Primary School in September 2006 and, was selected to join form one at the Lengo Secondary School in January this year when she was discovered pregnant.

Mr Laisi is complaining about her daughter missing the chance but the daughter wishes that she could get married to the man who is now not seen anymore.

“I am told he has been jailed for 30 years in Mtwara, but don’t know for sure of his where about. I wish he could be here so that we could raise our son Moliza Rajab, two weeks.”

Mwanaidi deliverd at home, on the 15th July, 2007, and was helped by her Grandmother Bibi Jaifu, Aunt Binti Mnipa and her mother Esha Issa which pose another danger if there was any delivery complications.

“I wish I get re admitted to the school. I still want to go to school but am told the missed chance is never again.” Says Mwanaidi.

Recently, the government threw a motion in Parliament to debate on the possibilities of re admitting pregnant school girls to school after delivery. The move will help people like Laisi to gain hope that his daughter will get education and leave him with a less burden of becoming parent for a second time! Let there be no MISSED CHANCES for the girls! END! 

Seif Laisi has communicate skills that his chicken understands him. He calls to feed and or catch them when he wants to sell.
Left is his wife Esha Issa.

Mwanaidi Seif, holds he one day old son Molizi.

Esha Issa prepares lunch for the family as son 2pac waits aside.

A special lunch for Mwanaidi, eight hours after delivering, cassava stiff porridge plus a chicken leg and stew. 

Newly born Molizi. Lookin on Hawa seif, 8, back for lunch from school.

At playing outside the house, 2pac Seif, 5, after lunch.

Seif Laisi, leaning on the wall of his house.

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